It is proposed that these annual parades to be led and organized by the youth in all 28 EU countries, under the guidance and patronage of the EU in Brussels and the local governments. It is of eminent importance to ensure the backing and active participation of the youth in all EU member countries, in order to develop their appreciation for the EU concept and to involve them in a meaningful way in uniting Europe. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUHpGEEEHSM
Guidelines to be drafted under the supervision of the EU about the mission, content, structure, and finances of the annual parades and to be discussed with all 28 national governments.
The Europeace Parade Foundation (EFP) is currently under formation with the aim to initiate and promote this initiative in order to obtain support from the EU.

EU, EU member state governments, local (capital) municipalities, NGO’s, multinationals, local firms, JEF, IamEurope, Euractiv, 1989 Generation Initiative, GHFP, eParticipation, schools across the EU, volunteer groups, the local communities, philanthropists, famous artists etc.
Through EU offices, local governments and NGO’s, such as press releases, interviews, join talk shows etc.
The annual Europeace Parade in all 28 EU nations should be a not-for-profit activity.
There are several options for covering the costs of the parades. For instance, German law requires you to choose between a political event, in which case the government pays for most costs (such as security), or a commercial event, in which case all costs to be borne by the event organizers. The first option was chosen by the Love Parade Festival in Berlin, who went under because they turned into a commercial venture. The second option is chosen by most other parade organizers, whereby sponsors will fund the costs, such as companies, individuals and NGO’s. The intensity of sponsor promotion to be stated in the parade’s guidelines and is at the discretion of the the EU and local governments. Various combinations of the two options seem possible and will be country specific. General donations to support these parades, to be welcomed of course.
1. Since 2018, we are advocating this initiative in Brussels, and so far we have received positive responses from various EU units. Because of the EU Parliamentary elections and new EC Commissioners appointments, no further decisions could be expected.
2. We are now looking for an NGO, a multi-national or a pro-Europe philanthropist to help prepare and manage a promotion campaign to open doors at EC and (a few) national governments level.